Friday, February 04, 2005

Bored at Work

"Hey! Look what I found in the photocopy room," Ed says. He's holding this trashy-looking book entitled, "For Shame".

"What is it?," I ask.

He pokes at the book. "This guy, he wrote this book about how marketing in the past was all about making you feel bad. Look at the pictures!" He laughs like a chimp.

Flipping through it, I see turn-of-the-century advertisements for pills, lotions, powders...and yeah, it looks like the goal of the advertisers of the day was to make you feel bad so you'd buy their product. In think actually there should be more of that today. No particular reason; I would just find it funny.

Do you want "Acid Mouth"? Neither do I.
So I use Pebeco toothpaste.

I spot one I like. "I think I'm about to waste organizational resources!" I say. I head to the photocopy room myself.

Later, I pin on my wall the photocopied picture of a one-hundred-year-old Listerine ad I copied: "Halitosis makes you unpopular - DON'T FOOL YOURSELF!" it says. There's this sad-looking broad on a chair all by herself while this Clark Gable type behind her is dancing up a storm with another, smiling woman. I guess she must have used Listerine that morning, or else she'd be moping on a chair too.

I don't intend to fool myself. I might have to buy some Listerine today.


Blogger Jess said...

Sounds like an interesting book and one that could possibly provide inspiration on those days where we all feel out of sorts. If anything a nice chuckle will send you designing with a smile. Got any more examples?

2:08 PM  
Blogger Wardo said...

No, no others...this was the only one I got. I felt too bad looking at all the other ads to get copies of them. *sob*

3:07 PM  

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